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울 관리하는 방법

울 세탁은 간단합니다.

메리노 울 의류는 관리가 쉽고 자주 세탁할 필요가 없습니다. 이는 환경을 보호하며 소비자에게 도움이 됩니다.

울 세탁 방법

울 세탁 방법

울은 세탁이 간단합니다. 울은 얼룩과 냄새에 강하고 주름이 잘 생기지 않는 천연 특성을 갖고 있어 다른 섬유보다 세탁 빈도가 낮습니다.

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울 건조 방법

울 건조 방법

좋아하는 울 스웨터나 다른 울 의류를 건조해보면 어렵지 않다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 아래의 간단한 절차를 따르면 옷의 형태, 느낌, 냄새까지 모두 새것처럼 유지할 수 있습니다.

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울 의류 수선하는 방법

울 의류 수선하는 방법

패스트 패션의 성장으로 옷 수선 기술은 쇠퇴했을지 모르지만 우리는 옷을 평생 아껴야 한다고 믿습니다. 좋아하는 울 의류를 수선하는 방법을 알아보세요.

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낮은 세탁 빈도
낮은 세탁 빈도

메리노 울 의류는 냄새에 강합니다. 자주 세탁하지 않아도 되기 때문에 물과 에너지 비용을 절약 할 수 있습니다.

얼룩 방지
얼룩 방지

메리노 울 섬유는 천연 보호층이 있어 얼룩이 흡수되는 것을 방지합니다.

주름 방지
주름 방지

현미경으로 본 메리노 울 섬유는 스프링 같은 구조를 가지고 있어서 구부러진 후에도 원상태로 돌아오려는 성질을 가지고 있습니다. 이러한 특성 덕분에 메리노 울 의류는 주름 방지 효과가 있습니다


Use our handy tool below to answer any questions you have about wool care.
Careculator steps
Step 1 Select Garment
Step 2 Choose Challenge
Step 3 Find Solution
Step 2. Choose a care challenge
Step 3. Choose a stain to remove



For ballpoint pen stains, gently dab the stain with a lint-free cloth (not paper towel) soaked in surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol.
Next, press gently with an absorbent cloth or towel to soak up excess solvent. Do not allow to dry.
Wash, according to your garment’s care claim, with a Woolmark-approved detergent.


Dab gently around the edge of the stain with a lint-free cloth soaked in a dilute solution of Woolmark-approved detergent in tepid water. Blot gently with an absorbent cloth or towel.

If an oily stain persists after drying, then dab gently from the edge of the stain with a cloth soaked with white spirit.
Finally, press gently with an absorbent cloth or towel to soak up excess solvent then allow to dry.


Remove excess blood immediately with absorbent towel.
Gently dab the area using undiluted white vinegar
Finally, gently dab the stain with cold water.



Dab gently with an absorbent, lint-free cloth to remove as much excess liquid as possible.
Sponge the area sparingly with a mixture of warm water and surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol in equal parts.



Carefully apply some mild tablet soap to the stained area.

Next, soak a lint-free cloth (not a paper towel) in rubbing alcohol.
Then dab the remaining stain with the wet cloth.


If a greasy mark forms, firstly scrape the surface of the stain with a spoon or blunt knife to remove any excess oil.

Use a hot iron over layers of tissue to soak up the excess oil/grease.
If required, soak a lint-free cloth in proprietary grease remover or white spirit. Gently dab the area, blotting the solvent as much as possible. Repeat if necessary, then allow to dry.

How to remove lipstick, makeup or shoe polish stains from wool


Gently dab from the edge of the stain with a cloth soaked with white spirit or spot-cleaning spray.

Press gently with an absorbent cloth or towel to soak up excess solvent then allow to dry.
The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to remove lipstick, makeup or shoe polish stains from wool

How to remove red wine, fruit or fruit juice stains from wool

Rinse as much of the drink as possible with clean water then apply a dilute solution of Woolmark-approved detergent in tepid water.

If the stain persists create a mixture of 3 parts surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol, plus 1 part of cold water and dab the stain with the mixture. Blot excess liquid.
The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to remove red wine, fruit or fruit juice stains from wool

How to remove egg or milk stains from wool


Mix half a teaspoon of salt into one cup tepid water and dab the stain with the solution. Rinse well and blot up excess water.

If stain persists then add one teaspoon of biological detergent to a cup of warm water and apply this solution to the stain, then wait for 15 minutes. Rinse well with clean water
Repeat the action with a cloth soaked in diluted white vinegar to neutralise the biological detergent.

How to remove black coffee stains from wool


Ideally immediately, rinse under cold running water to dilute the coffee.

If the coffee stain has already dried, then make a mix of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup tepid water. Soak a lint-free cloth in the solution and lightly dab the stained area. Press gently with an absorbent cloth.
If the stain persists, apply a solution of 3 parts surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol, plus 1 part cold water. Press gently with an absorbent cloth.
The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to remove black coffee stains from wool



The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to store wool



The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to dry wool


How to wash wool

Washing wool is easy. Wool is naturally stain resistant, odour resistant and also crease resistant, so actually requires less washing. This means that caring for wool is both easy and gentle on the planet. But when it is time to wash wool clothes, you can either wash them in a washing machine, or hand wash with ease.

Read more


The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to wash a wool blanket


The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to hand and machine wash wool


The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to wash wool socks


The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to wash a wool suit


The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to wash a wool sweater

The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances


It’s never too early to learn how to care for wool clothes. Join Frances as she explores the simple and easy steps of wool care. Watch the full series here or chose a video below.

울 의류를 보관하는 방법

옷장의 많은 옷들 속에서 입고 싶은 옷을 찾으려는 고생을 할 필요가 없습니다. 사전 계획만 있다면 옷을 찾기 쉬운 상태로 옷장 안을 바꿀 수 있습니다.

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울에 가장 적합한 세제

아끼는 메리노 울 의류를 세탁할 시간입니다. 세탁기를 사용하거나 손세탁할 때 어떤 세제를 사용해야 할까요? 순한 중성 세제를 사용하면 아끼는 울 스웨터나 다른 의류의 수명을 연장하는데 도움이 됩니다.

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가장 관련성 높은 케어 기사 목록
Wool care

How to wash a wool sweater

Washing & drying wool sweaters and jumpers has never been easier. Use our simple guide to take the stress out of washing your wool.
Wool care

How to wash and dry wool blankets

To make sure your wool blankets last a lifetime, follow these steps when airing, washing, drying and storing your wool blankets.
Wool care

How do I dry wool?

After washing your wool clothes, it is recommended the garments are carefully dried flat, unless your garment’s care claim states it can be tumble dried.
Wool care

What is pilling?

What is pilling? These fuzzy balls on the surface of clothing often result in an unsightly or worn out appearance. Learn more about where they come from.